General Information
- Includes U3, U4, U5, and U6 divisions.
- One hour a week broken into two parts - first half-hour to practice and second half-hour to play a game
- A uniform which includes: WSC jersey, shorts & soccer socks are provided to each player as part of the registration fee
- The player is responsible for providing shin guards (Shin guards are required to be worn by all players)
- The player can play in sneakers or cleats – no other kind of shoes, please
- No earrings or metal type of hair accessories (barrettes etc.)
- The player should also bring a size 3 soccer ball to each game and a water bottle
- Games are held at East Center Street fields
Spring Season starts April 27th through June 8th
*In the case of inclement weather we post field closures on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and our website.
- U3 Mites 8:20 AM - 8:50
- U4 - U6 Mites 9:00 am, 10:10 & 11:20 Sessions
* U3 Division format: Adult & Child experience. It will require parent involvement (grandparents, nannies, aunts/uncles are welcome to substitute) during the entire session unless other arrangements are made in advance.
For questions about the Mites program, you can contact the WSC Mites Directors at [email protected]