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Wallingford Soccer Club

Wallingford Soccer Club


In House - Ages 7-10
(click here for Age Brackets)

General Information:

  • U7 & U8 Games will be played on Monday and Thursday at 5:30p in collaboration with Soccer Shots
  • U9 & U10 Games will be played on Tuesday and Wednesday at 5:30p in collaboration with Everson Soccer Academy
  • In addition to weekly games, there will be team training organized by the team's coach and guided by paid professional coaches from the Everson Soccer Academy(this is at no extra charge)
    • Wednesdays for U7 and U8 boys and girls 
    • Mondays for U9 and U10 boys and girls 
    • Additional team practices may or may not be scheduled - this is at the coach's discretion
  • Games last one hour (start times differ between fall and spring season - so check schedules when provide by coaches
  • Games are held at Vietnam Veterans Park - East Center Street Fields
  • All team and league communications will be through the gamechanger app. Please download this app on your iPhone or Android phone.

Equipment & Uniform:

  • A WSC uniform: jersey, pair of shorts & pair of soccer socks are provided to each player as part of the registration fee.  
  • The player is responsible for providing shin guards (Shin guards are required to be worn by all players) otherwise they will be prevented from playing
  • The player can play in sneakers or cleats – no other kind of shoes, please.  
  • No jewelry, earrings, or metal type of hair accessories (barrettes, etc.)
  • The player should also bring a size 4 soccer ball to each game and a water bottle

The Game

  • All games begin at 5:30 pm SHARP unless otherwise communicated by your team's coach. For the Spring season, games will be played in 2 - 25-minute halves with a 5-minute halftime break. In the Fall season, games will be played in 2 - 20-minute halves with a 5-minute halftime break to accommodate daylight savings time.
  • All referees are Wallingford kids at least 2 years older than the age group that is playing. Referees are expected to report any disrespectful behavior by fans to the League President.  (See the spectator's code of conduct for more information)
  • There are no standings or statistics kept by the League. The score is only kept by the referee.
  • Development and fun are the goals. Coaches are instructed to take steps in the event the game is unbalanced competitively by either moving players from their own team to the other team, or making other modifications
  • There are no penalty kicks awarded in the penalty area. The foul becomes an indirect kick from the top of the penalty area.
  • U7 & U8 Players
    • Play 6 versus 6 introducing a goalkeeper
    • Throw-ins are now introduced
  • U9/U10 players
    • Play together on a larger field and play either 7 v 7 or 8v8 with a keeper.
    • Offsides rule is introduced


Wallingford Soccer Club
Wallingford, Connecticut 06492

Email: [email protected]

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