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Wallingford Soccer Club

Wallingford Soccer Club


Wallingford Soccer Club - Bylaws

Article V - DUTIES OF OFFICERS & Ex-Officio Members

Section 1 - President
Section 2 - Executive Vice President
Section 3 - Immediate Past President
Section 4 - Treasurer
Section 5 - Secretary
Section 6 - Boys & Girls Directors
Section 7 - Mites Director
Section 8 - Travel Team Director
Section 9 - League Registrar

Article VI - CHAIRPERSON(s) & Duties

Section 1 - Financial Committee Chairperson
Section 2 - Publicity Chairperson
Section 3 - InHouse Referee Trainer
Section 4 - InHouse Referee Coordinator
Section 5 - State Referee Coordinator
Section 6 - Scheduling Chairperson
Section 7 - Equipment Manager
Section 8 - Awards Chairperson
Section 9 - Scholarship Committee



Section 1 - All Coaches
Section 2 - InHouse Coaches
Section 3 - Travel Rec and Travel Coaches
Section 4 - Developmental Team Coaches


Section 1 - Tryouts
Section 2 - Players
Section 3 - Disciplinary Problems


Section 1 - Definitions
Section 2 - Guidelines

C O N S T I T U T I O N of the Wallingford Soccer Club

1. Name: The name of the league shall be the Wallingford Soccer Club (herein after referred to as WSC).

2. Object: It shall be the object of this league to educate the youth and promote and advance the cause of soccer within the territory under the jurisdiction of the Connecticut Junior Soccer Association (CJSA) and CJSA governing associations, and to guard the interest of the teams in the Wallingford Soccer Club.

3. Executive Committee: The Executive Committee of this league shall be comprised of the following officers: President, Executive Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Immediate Past President, Boys Director(s), Girls Director(s), Mites Director(s), Travel Team Director. The Board appoints Ex-Officio members including League Registrar, TravelRec Team Coordinator, and Developmental Team Coordinator

4. Color: The colors of the Wallingford Soccer Club shall be green and white per approval of the Executive Board.

5. Definition: The Wallingford Soccer Club is a nonprofit organization headquartered in Wallingford, CT. Upon disbanding of the league all assets shall be donated to charitable organizations, to be determined by the Executive Committee.

6. Representation: No member shall represent the Wallingford Soccer Club without authority from the Executive Committee. Such authority shall be issued from the office of the President.

BYLAWS of the Wallingford Soccer Club

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1. Revisions or changes to the Constitution and Bylaws of the Wallingford Soccer Club, if required, will be made at the Annual Meeting of the WSC.

2. Revisions or changes to the constitution and Bylaws of the WSC( referred to as changes) can be proposed by the general membership and/or the Executive Committee of the WSC. All proposed changes must be presented in writing to the Secretary and may be submitted at any time up to, but no later than, four (4) weeks prior to the last general meeting in October.

3. All proposed changes will be presented with recommendations to the general membership of the WSCat the last general meeting in October. At that meeting any modifications to the proposed changes will be limited to grammatical changes and should not affect the original intent of the proposed bylaw change. Any modifications that, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, change the intent of a proposed revision, will require re-submittal as a new change in accordance with the guidelines of this section.

4. All changes following the guidelines of this section will be voted on, as presented, with no further modifications allowed, at the Annual Meeting of the WSC. Approved changes will become effective on January 1 of the following year. Eligible voters are those persons who have attended four or more General Meetings of the WSC during the preceding 12 months.

5. Should change in the CJSA, the South Central District or the Town of Wallingford rules occur that create a conflict with the Constitution and Bylaws of the WSC, an emergency by-law change may be proposed by the Executive Committee as follows:

5a. The change can only address the area of conflict and must be proposed in writing at least two (2) weeks prior to the next regular WSC meeting.

5b. The proposed emergency change will be presented with recommendations to the general membership of the at the next regular WSC meeting.

5c. Voting on the proposed emergency change will be tabled for at least two (2) weeks and will occur at the next general meeting following the presentation meeting. Any emergency changes approved by the general membership will become effective immediately.


1. Players shall be deemed eligible to register with WSC if they satisfy the CJSA requirements and one of the following:

2. Their parents/guardians are Wallingford Residents.

3. Children of non-resident taxpayers of Wallingford who have obtained waivers in accordance with CJSA Rules and Regulations.

4. Exceptions may be granted by a two-thirds majority vote of the Executive Committee, after presenting waivers as described above.

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1. In September the Executive Committee shall name a nominating Committee, consisting of three (3) members, who shall present a list of interested candidates for office at the meeting at least two (2) weeks prior to the Annual meeting. This meeting will be held once per year at the conclusion of the Fall season. Notice of this meeting must be made at least thirty days prior to the event. At all elections, additional nominations will be taken providing the nominee has signatures of 25% of the voting membership.

2. No member of the Nominating Committee may run for an elected office.

3. The elections shall be run by the Nominating Committee. They should make sure that every eligible nominee for office consisting of coaches, assistant coaches, team mothers, committee members and workers of the WSC over 18 years of age has the opportunity to run for office, and that all voting members have met the requirements to vote.

4. Executive members shall be elected by ballot vote at the Annual Meeting of the WSC . They shall hold office for one year and be eligible for re-election.

5. The order of elections shall be: President

  • Executive Vice President
  • Travel Team Director
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Boys Director
  • Girls Director
  • Mites Director

6. Voting members are defined as persons 16 years of age and older, who have worked in the WSC during the current Spring or Fall season and have attended four or more General meetings during the preceding 12 months. There shall be no proxy or absentee votes.

7. A special Election shall be called by the Executive Committee within thirty (30) days, after receiving a written petition, signed by two-thirds (2/3) of the voting membership.

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1. The function of the Executive Committee is to serve the league and the general membership. The term of office shall be one year. It shall begin on December 1, and end of November 30.

2. The executive Committee of the WSC shall transact all business of the league and shall have the power to enforce the laws of the game, the rules of the United States Soccer federation, the Connecticut Junior Soccer Association, FIFA (Federation International de Football Association), and the Constitution, Bylaws, Team Rules, Game Rules, and Players Rules of the League.

3. The Executive Committee of the WSC shall constitute an emergency committee meeting on matters demanding immediate attention, where it is impractical or impossible to call a general meeting. The Executive Committee will report the results of any emergency meeting at the next regular meeting.

4. The Executive Committee of the WSC must submit by designated meeting day in January, a planned calendar and budget for the year of their term in office to the voting membership for recommendation and approval.

5. The Executive Committee of the WSC must have prior approval from the membership to exceed the proposed budget.

6. The Executive Committee of the WSC shall appoint all Chairperson, except the Nominating Committee.

7. The executive Committee of the WSC shall meet at an interval and at a place designated by the President to discuss the current events and problems that concern the WSC . The Executive Committee will report the results of this meeting at the next regular meeting.

8. If occasions arise that are not covered fully by the Bylaws, team, game, or players rules, the Executive Committee has absolute power to decide such cases or form committees to look into such cases.

9. All vacancies on the Executive Committee shall be filled by ballot vote of the Executive Committee for the unexpired term of the office.

10. Any Executive Committee member may be removed from his/her position for absence from three (3) consecutive general meetings without a valid reason, or for repeated failure to fulfill his/her duties or responsibilities to the league, after warning from the remainder of the Committee, who will conduct an investigation of the charges, final decision to be made within fourteen (14) days. Appeal may be made to the General membership for reversal at the next regular monthly meeting.

11. No Executive Committee member may be a member of the Nominating Committee.

12. Each member of the Executive Committee shall release any and all WSC material to the respective newly elected member of December 1, following said election.

Article V - DUTIES OF OFFICERS & Ex-Officio Members

Section 1 - President

1.1 The President shall have full supervision of the WYLS and oversee the running of the day to day operation of the entire league. He/She shall enforce the rules in accordance with the WSC Constitution and Bylaws.

1.2 The President of the League shall preside at all general and executive committee meetings.

1.3 The President shall pass upon and approve all expenses against the league and shall co-sign checks with the Treasurer. The President shall be accountable for ensuring there is an annual independent audit of the league financial records.

1.4 The President is an ex-officio member of all committees (except as otherwise noted) and he/she shall cast the deciding vote in the event of a tie vote at the committee and league meetings.

1.5 The President shall be responsible for obtaining all permits for the league.

Section 2 - Executive Vice President

2.1 The Executive Vice President shall succeed to the office of the President in his/her absence.

2.2 The Executive Vice President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.

2.3 The Executive Vice President shall be accountable for communication to the Officers, Coaches, Committee members, and League members at least once a month concerning current and upcoming events of the WSC.

Section 3 - Immediate Past President

3.1 The Immediate Past President (IMD) is the IMD or a person with similar WSC tenure and experience. The IMD has the right of first refusal for the position. Once refused, the position will be appointed by the Executive Committee.

3.2 The Immediate Past President shall oversee specific area/activities as agreed upon with the President and act as Sergeant at Arms during meetings.

Section 4 - Treasurer

4.1 The Treasurer shall collect and have charge of all monies of the league, and shall keep a detailed account of income and expenditures thereof, and shall provide a monthly written report to the executive committee.

4.2 The Treasurer shall complete a comprehensive written mid-year report of finances by June 30 and a full report through November 30, which shall be submitted at the next following general meeting. The Treasurer shall be present at these meetings to answer any questions which may arise.

4.3 The Treasurers books shall be reviewed annually by a recognized, independent accounting concern.

4.4 The Treasurer shall pay bills properly passed upon and approved by the President and shall co-sign checks with him/her.

4.5 The Treasurer shall be bonded for one half of the proposed annual budget with bonding expenses paid by the WSC.

4.6 The Treasurer shall file an annual report as required of non-profit organization.

4.7 The Treasurer shall be responsible for the Financial Chairperson Committees. He/She shall oversee all fund-raising activities of the WSC.

4.8 The Treasurer shall, prior to the end of his/her term, prepare a preliminary budget in conjunction with the newly elected treasurer.

4.9 The Treasurer shall submit a written financial report to each Travel Team’s Coach or their appointee at least twice during their playing season.

Section 5 - Secretary

5.1 The Secretary shall record accurately the minutes of the Leagues general monthly and Executive Committee meetings and read same at the next respective meeting. He/She shall be custodial of all records, and supply copies to officers upon request. The Secretary will maintain League telecommunications systems and equipment.

5.2 The Secretary shall see to all league correspondence.

5.3 The Secretary shall keep a complete list of teams, sponsors and eligible voters on file.

5.4 The Secretary shall take roll call at all general and Executive Committee meetings and keep attendance records on file.

5.5 The Secretary shall be responsible for retaining the minutes of all meetings for the previous seven(7) years.

5.6 At least three days prior to each general meeting the secretary will post the meeting agenda as submitted. Posting will be at the league office and/or at a public place designated by the Executive Committee. Items not on the posted agenda may be proposed for discussion at the next general meeting unless deemed to be an emergency by the Executive Committee

Section 6 - Boys & Girls Directors

6.1 The Boys & Girls Directors shall oversee the day to day operations of their respective groups and the directly responsible for and communicate with their Division Representatives.

6.2 The Boys & Girls Director shall be aware at all times of the needs and problems of the individuals they represent.

6.3 The Boys & Girls Directors shall co-ordinate re-scheduling of all make-up games with the scheduling chairperson.

6.4 The Boys & Girls Directors shall work closely with the Equipment Manager and Divisional Representatives to make sure that all his/her teams have the proper equipment needed for their teams. In addition he/she shall be responsible for getting the equipment returned to the Equipment Manger at the end of the spring and fall seasons.

6.5 The Boys & Girls Directors shall be responsible for coordinating youth assignments to teams.

Section 7 - Mites Director

7.1 The Mites Director will oversee the Mites Program in its formation, week to week operation, scheduling, and coaches training.

7.2 The Mites Director will be responsible for the proper equipment to be furnished to the Mites program and should work closely with the equipment manager.

7.3 The Mites director will in the formation of each seasons program locate coaches that will teach the Mites and obtain training for those coaches through independent means or the Vice President.

7.4 The Mites director shall represent the rest of the Executive Board the Mites program and any problems/solutions encountered.

7.5 At the close of the season the Mites Director shall be responsible for the collection of league equipment used in the program and its return to the equipment manager.

Section 8 - Travel Team Director

8.1 The Travel Team Director will oversee all functions and activities of WSC teams other than the InHouse League and Mite Programs.

8.2 The Director will have primary responsibility for Travel Team programs and will work closely with the Travel Rec Team Coordinator and the Developmental Team Coordinator ensuring these three extension programs compliment one another.

8.3 The Directors responsibilities include routinely communicating with the Travel Team Coaches, Travel Team Try-outs, and reporting program activities to the Executive Committee.

8.4 The President will appoint the Travel Team Director as the Leagues voting representative to the South Central District of the CJSA. This appointee will be directed to attend meetings of the South Central District, to vote as directed by the Executive Committee, and to report results of the District Meetings.

Section 9 - League Registrar

9.1 The League Registrar shall set up no less than three (3) registration sessions for each of the spring and fall seasons. He/She will be directly responsible for submitting all publicity and dates to the publicity chairperson.

9.2 The League Registrar shall make available to the Boys and Girls Directors no later than three (3) weeks before the start of the spring season and two (2) weeks before the fall season, a listing of the youths available to play soccer for team assignments, (except in the case of the travel teams).

9.3 The League Registrar shall keep on file at all times a complete listing of players and rosters of teams of the WSC and also any potential waiting listing, as it becomes available.

9.4 The League Registrar shall be responsible for collecting permission slips for each child and physician's certificates, when necessary.

9.5 The League Registrar shall make available to the Travel Team Coaches, at their request a listing of all youth available to try-out for the Travel Teams. This list shall also have their age and name of the previous year's teams.

9.6 The League Registrar shall, with the co-operation of the Treasurer, be responsible for registering all players with the CJSA.

Article VI - CHAIRPERSON(s) & Duties

Section 1 - Financial Committee Chairperson

1.1 The Financial Chairperson shall be responsible for the fund-raising activities of the WSC and be appointed by the Executive Committee.

1.2 The Financial Committee shall run enough fund-raisers necessary to balance the proposed budget of the WSC .

1.3 The financial Committee shall be responsible for soliciting sponsors needed for the amount of teams in the WSC .

1.4 The Financial Committee shall provide periodic written progress reports to the Treasurer during each individual fund-raising activity. A final written and signed report of all funds as well as all monies; must be given to the Treasurer no later than the first general meeting after the close of each specific activity.

Section 2 - Publicity Chairperson

2.1 The Publicity Chairperson shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and shall be responsible for publicity of all league functions such as Try-outs, Registrations, and Fund Raisers. The League will assist the committee with financial support for mailings, and Internet site and other tools the committee utilizes. During the InHouse seasons, this committee is encouraged to submit weekly articles to the newspapers previous weeks games included.

Section 3 - InHouse Referee Trainer

3.1 The InHouse Referee Trainer shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and shall be responsible for the training of referees for the InHouse League.

3.2 The Referee Trainer shall organize a minimum of two (2) referee clinics per year (February and August) and provide for appropriate on-field training.

3.3 The Referee Trainer shall review referee forms and observe referees for the purpose of evaluating their performances, additionally, the Chief Referee shall present to the Executive Committee, with appropriate notice a record of referees training and evaluations.


4.1 The In-House Referee Coordinator shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and shall be responsible for the assignments of referees for the InHouse League.

4.2 The Referee Coordinator shall be responsible for assigning referees for regularly scheduled and re-scheduled games on a fair and equal basis.

4.3 The Referee Coordinator shall supply to the Treasurer weekly, a listing of all referees who officiate games during the previous week for proper payment.


5.1 The State Referee Coordinator shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and shall be responsible for the scheduling of referees for the Travel, TravelRec, and Development Team League and State Cup play.

5.2 The State Referee Coordinator shall be responsible for assigning referees on a fair and equal basis. Preference shall be given to WSC players who are accredited referees.

5.3 The State Referee Coordinator shall supply the Treasurer a weekly listing of all referees who officiated games during the week for proper payment.

5.4 The State Referee Coordinator shall notify the publicity chairperson of the dates of all state referee and linemen, clinics and tests.

5.5 The State Referee Coordinator may receive a stipend at the discretion of the Executive Committee.


6.1 Scheduling Chairperson shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and shall be responsible for the scheduling and of all town games. He/She shall work closely with the Boys, Girls & Mites Directors and InHouse Referee Coordinator.


7.1 The Equipment Manager shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and shall keep an inventory of all equipment. He/She shall be responsible for the InHouse League. This will include buying of uniforms, game equipment, and first aid kits, as directed by the Executive committee.

7.2 The Equipment Manger shall distribute uniforms, equipment, and first aid kits through the Boys & Girls Directors.

7.3 The Equipment Manger shall be responsible for collecting and storing returnable items from the Boys & Girls Directors.


8.1 The Awards Chairperson shall be appointed by the Executive Committee. his/her main responsibility will be to set up and run awards program for InHouse players at the end of the spring and fall season, such as: location, activity, purchasing of awards, refreshments, etc., as directed by the Executive Committee.


9.1 A Scholarship Committee shall be established to award the Wallingford Soccer Club Scholarship(s). The total amount of the scholarship(s) shall be established within the budget of the Wallingford Invitational Soccer Tournament (TWIST). All scholarship funds shall be made available from the proceeds of TWIST. All scholarship recipients shall meet or exceed the minimum requirements and guidelines established by the TWIST Scholarship Committee.

9.2 The TWIST Committee shall establish a line item in their budget to fund this scholarship from the profits of the tournament. Any funds established for the scholarship and not used in a year shall be reserved TWIST and used to supplement the scholarship program in years when approved scholarship(s) exceed available funds. In the event that funds are not available to fully fund the scholarship through TWIST profits and reserves, the committee may approach the League executive board for a supplemental appropriation from the League budget. The executive board may approve this request if funds are available in the League.

9.3 The TWIST Scholarship Committee shall include a minimum of one (1) appointee by the Executive Committee. Additional members may be named as requested by TWIST.

9.4 A committee member with a child applying for a scholarship cannot serve for that year. A designated alternate shall be appointed by the committee chair.


1. WSC General Meetings shall be held on a regular basis as determined by the Executive Committee and published in the newsletter. Meetings are open to the public.

2. The President of the league shall preside at all meetings. In his/her absence the order of succession shall be: (1) Executive Vice President, (2) immediate past president, (3) Secretary. If none of the above are present a quorum cannot be formed.

3. The order of business for all meetings shall be: (a) Roll Call, (b) Minutes of previous meeting (Secretary), (c) Communications (Secretary), (d) Treasurer’s Report, (e) Executive Vice president’s Report, (f) Mites Director’s Report,

(g) Boys Director’s Report, (h) Girls Director’s Report, (i) Recreation and Travel Team Report, (j) Immediate past president’s Report, (k) Old Business, (l) New Business, (m) Good of Soccer, (n) Adjournment.

4. The Executive Committee shall meet at an interval and at a place designated by the President.

5. At Executive committee meetings a majority (5) of the officers shall constitute a quorum; at General and Annual Meetings (10) of the league members, including majority of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.

6. In case of doubt as to procedure at any meeting of the league, Roberts Rules of Order shall be used as a guide.

7. Any request for unbudgeted expenditures must be first introduced at a general meeting for discussion by the membership. If accepted by the membership a motion is placed on the agenda for approval at the next meeting. Funds may be voted and passed on at a single meeting provided 2/3 of the Executive Board deem the expenditure to be an emergency.


Section 1 -- ALL COACHES

1.1 All coaches shall conduct themselves as gentlemen/ladies at all times, always acting for the benefit of the league, and shall show respect for all referees. All coaches shall adhere to the following Coaches Code which is subscribed to by the WSC :


Soccer is a game of happiness.

The law of soccer should be regarded as mutual agreements and spirit or letter of which no one should try to evade or break.

Visiting teams and spectators are honored guests.

No advantages except those of superior skill should be sought.

Officials and opponents should be treated and regarded as honest in intention.

Official decisions should be accepted without looking angry no matter how unfair they may seem.

Winning is desirable, but winning at any cost defeats the purpose of the game.

Losing can be a triumph when the team has given its best.

The ideal is the greatest good to the greatest number.

In soccer, as in life, treat others as you would have them treat you.

1.3 All coaches shall be approved by the Executive Committee. Coaches are encouraged to attend both state certified and town sponsored clinics at leagues expense.

1.4 Every coach shall be responsible for the safety and well being of his/her players. Coaches must be certain that players are not left unattended after a game or practice.

1.5 Every team coach is responsible for the actions of his/her players and is required to take all precautions to prevent spectators from threatening or assaulting officials and players before, during, or at the conclusion of a game. An unruly spectator may be ejected from the field of play by the game referee or other officials.

1.6 Each coach shall be furnished with a copy of the constitution, By-Laws, and Rules of Play of the league and shall be responsible for knowing and abiding by them. Providing each coach with a copy of these laws shall be deemed sufficient notice of his/her responsibility.

1.7 The home coach is responsible for nets, first aid kits, and ice, being brought to the fields and returned, and for providing the game ball.

1.8 Each coach in Town League games, shall be responsible for providing a linesman to assist the Referee in determining when the ball is in and out of play.

1.9 Coaches do not have the authority to drop or add a new player to their rosters without Executive Committee approval. The Executive Committee should be notified if a player quits. Player trades are not allowed. InHouse coaches will complete player rating forms as requested by the Boys & Girls Directors.

1.10 The appropriate Director or Officer should be notified of any strong disciplinary action or continual problems with players or parents.

1.11 If problems arise between a coach and parents, both parties should work to resolve those problems. If both parties are unable to resolve their differences, the Executive Committee will within 14 days of receiving a written complaint appoint a mediator who will investigate the issues and meet with parents and coach in an attempt to reach an agreement The mediator will report to the Executive Board in writing on the issues: the results of the investigation: and the resolution reached between coaches and parents, for falling agreement, mediator’s recommendation.

1.12 The Board may then decide to meet with the coach(s) and up to three parent representatives for each viewpoint. In any case, the decision of the Board is final. No coach will be dismissed without due process and a minimum 2/3rds vote of the Executive Committee.

1.13 No coach shall have in sight nor consume any alcoholic beverage while coaching or practice. Smoking during a practice or game is also prohibited.

1.14 In the event a coach, assistant coach or team parent is arrested for a violation involving conduct which, if repeated, would in the sole and absolute discretion of the Executive Committee, place the children on his/her team at risk of physical harm, then, and in such event, the coach, assistant coach or team parent shall be suspended from his/her position on the team until the arrest is disposed of in court. If the disposition is finding of guilty, the coach, assistant coach or team parent shall be dismissed from the team and shall be prohibited from holding any position in the Wallingford Soccer Club. If the disposition is other than a finding of guilty, the coach, assistant coach, or team parent must appear before the Executive Committee, in closed session, to request reinstatement to his/her former position. A two-thirds (2/3) vote shall be required to effect reinstatement


2.1 Each coach in Town League games, shall be responsible for providing a linesman to assist the Referee in determining when the ball is in and out of play.

2.2 Each coach shall report the results of his/her game to his/her Divisional Representative the same day the game is played.

2.3 All coaches are responsible for returning game and practice balls, first aid kits, and uniforms to the Equipment Manager at the end of the season.

2.4 All town coaches are required to attend at least 2 General WSC meetings in a calendar year: one in the Spring and one in the Fall.

2.5 All coaches shall encourage the development of players by advancement through WSC  Developmental, Travel, and TravelRec teams.


3.1 People wishing to be considered for appointment as coaches of a Travel or TravelRec must declare their intent in writing, to the Executive Committee, not later than July 1st of each year.

3.2 The Executive Committee will review the letters received and appoint a coach for each travel team not later than July 31st., of each year. The Executive Committee may solicit letters if none have been submitted or if they do not consider any of the applicants acceptable.

3.3 Coaching assignments will commence the day after the final state cup game played by their team and will end the day after the final state cup game of the following Seasonal year.

3.4 Assistant Coaches will be picked by the Head Coach.

3.5 Coaches will abide by the WSC By-laws, Team Rules, Players Rules, CJSA, USSF, and FIFA rules unless otherwise stated in this section.

3.6 Coaches will pick a minimum of two (2) and a maximum of four (4) advisors to help him/her developmental team.

3.7 Coaches must notify in writing there wish to cut a player during the season and this must be approved by the Executive Board.

3.8 A coach may add two town or Recreation players to his/her roster during a season with no more than one player taken from any one town team. This action requires the permission of the Executive Committee, the town team coach and the parent or guardian of the player. The extent of participation by the player will be determined by the Executive Committee.

3.9 Travel Team Coaches or designated representative shall attend at least four (4) General Meetings of the WSC .

3.10 It is mandatory the Travel Team coaches obtain an E USSF coaches license within 12 months from the initial appointment by the Executive Committee or posses current high school coaching credentials, Non-compliance may be waived only once by the Executive committee upon demonstration of reasonable and exonerating circumstances.

3.11 Coaches shall, within 24 hours of the completion of a game, report orally to the Executive Committee the names of all players who were given yellow or red cards and shall, within 48 hours of completion of the game, report in writing to the Executive Committee noting the remedial action, if any, taken by the team.


4.1. Coaches for a Development team will be selected by the Executive Committee as needed and will require an annual letter of intent from a prospective Coach for the position by the participation registration date.

4.2 Assistant Coaches will be selected with the recommendation of the Head Coach and with the approval of the Executive Board. There must be an Assistant Coach in order for a team to qualify to be formed.

4.3 Coaches will abide by the WSC By-laws, Team Rules, Players Rules, and C.J.S.A., U.S.S.F. and FIFA Rules unless otherwise stated.

4.4 Development team coaches will be responsible for the actions of their assistant coaches, players and parents at any game or meeting.

4.5 Coaches shall, within 24 hours of the completion of a game report orally to the Executive Committee the names of all players who were given Yellow or Red cards and shall, within 48 hours of completion of a game, report in writing to the Executive Committee noting the remedial action, if any, taken by the team. This action also applies to any violation as defined in the By-Laws under article XI Misconduct and Protests.

4.6 Development Team coaches or designated representative shall attend at least four (4) General Meetings of the WSC .

4.7 It is mandatory that Development Team Coaches obtain an E level U.S.S.F. coaches license within 12 months from the initial appointment by the Executive Committee or possess current high school coaching credentials. Non-compliance may be waived only once by the Executive Committee upon demonstration of reasonable and exonerating circumstances


1. Only state or locally recognized WSC referees-recognized by the Executive Committee may officiate league games. A local recognized WSC referee is one who attends a clinic given by the WSC , has passed a test, and has participated in the program provided by the Referee Trainer Previous locally recognized WSC  referees must be re-tested each year and attend a meeting designated by the Referee Trainer to discuss the rules and procedures to be used by the WSC .

2. Referees must be 10 years of age or older to officiate in the WSC .

3. In-house program Referees should be at least one age group older than the division level they officiate.

4. The referee has the duty to use good sense in controlling a game so that players and spectators enjoy a fairly played game. The referee is the sole arbiter of the competition and his/her

duties and powers are specific and decision on point of fact connected with play shall be final so far as the result of the game is concerned.

5. Referees must submit to the Referee Coordinator the completed and signed forms of both coaches for each game refereed in order to receive payment. Any ejection or cautions must be included by the game referee on one of these forms.

6. Any case of serious misconduct on the field of play by players or coaches shall be reported by the referees to the Boys or Girls Director(s) as soon as possible after the game.

7. Referees will be assigned to officiate game by the Referee Coordinator.

8. If there are reports of poor officiating by a coach, the Referee Trainer will (1) talk to the referee; if reports continue, (2) suspend the referee for two weeks; if reports continue after that, (3) suspend the referee for the duration of the season.

9. The referees will be paid for WSC games, at the fee rate decided by the Executive Committee.

10. All referees shall be paid within thirty (30) days.


1. Divisions will be determined by the Executive Committee based on enrollment. Suggested divisions follow:

Mites 6 yr Olds 7-8 yr Olds

9-10 yr Olds 11-12 yr Olds 13-14 yr Olds

15-16 yr Olds 17-19 yr Olds

2. If a division does not have enough youths registered to make a minimum of three (3) teams they will be (a) added to the next older division, with the older divisions rules prevailing or 9b) will be enrolled in the TravelRec Program.

3. Divisions will be set up by the respective directors in accordance with the parameters set up by the Executive Committee. The teams and divisions must be chosen with the highest concern and intent to create equal and competitive teams. The purpose of our town team programs is recreational and the goal is to begin to teach and develop our youth players and coaches in a fair, safe, enjoyable and learning environment. Each player in our town league must be afforded the opportunity to play and enjoy the game of soccer. For players wishing to advance their skills, other levels of competition and play are available through our development and travel team programs

4. The In-House program has top priority over the Development teams as regards play and practice commitments.


Section 1 - Tryouts

1.1 All registered youths in the WSC will have the opportunity to tryout for Travel Teams.

1.2 All youths will receive a flyer upon registration or by newsletter telling them of Travel Team and the dates for tryouts.

1.3 Each Travel Team will hold tryouts to form teams for the current calendar year, starting in the Fall and supplementing in the Spring. A player selected for a Travel Team in the Fall Season will continue on that team through the Winter season unless dismissed for disciplinary reasons. Each team may elect to hold a tryout to supplement its roster, for the Fall season. Tryout dates require the approval of the Executive Committee. There will be 3 separate try out dates per season. Each player trying out must attend 2 of the 3 of the scheduled try outs.

1.4 The minimum and maximum number of players on a team shall be as currently defined by CJSA guideline. Any exceptions shall be at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

1.5 In the event that the Executive Committee decides to establish more than one Travel Team in an age/sex division, tryouts for those teams will be held as follows:

There will be combined tryouts for both teams. Players will be asked if they would like to tryout for Team A Only, Team B Only, or for Both Teams The Team A coach will choose his/her roster first from the group of players trying out for Team A Only and for Both Teams. Team B coach will then choose his/her roster from the group of players trying out for Team B Only and the remainder of the players trying out for Both Teams. The decision of a player to tryout for one team only is not intended to provide them with an advantage over a player trying out for Both Teams.

Section 2 - Players

2.1 Each youth shall play in his/her own age division as set up by the WSC. The youngest travel age division allowed shall be as currently defined by CJSA guidelines. Each age division shall be set up using the birth date of August 1 of the prior calendar year and run up to July 31st of the following calendar year per USYSA guidelines. The Executive Committee shall have the option to combine age or sex divisions as deemed necessary by the numbers of available registrants or by the availability of coaches in order to provide for the best interest of the players of the WSC.

2.3 No youth shall play on both a high school team and Travel Team concurrently.

2.4 All youths must play in each game except for disciplinary problems. All players must play as close to half a game as possible.

2.5 If a youth missed three (3) practices/games without valid excuse the youth will be off the team, with the approval of the Executive Committee.

2.6 In the case of injuries, a player may be picked up to supplement the Travel Team only with the permission of the Executive Committee, Team Coach and Parent/Guardian at which time, the extent to participating of the player will be determined.

2.7 Any WSC player who leaves the league to play for another league or club will not be allowed to join a Travel Team until one season after returning. Variances may be granted by the Executive Committee.

2.8 All youths representing the WSC on travel teams must wear complete uniforms designated by the Executive Committee.

2.9 Non-WSC guest players may not be used under any circumstances unless due to injuries, sickness, vacations, or other similar reasons where the roster must fall below 14, when at this time guest players may be used to bring the roster back up to, but not beyond 14 players. The coach or assistant coach must notify the Executive Board. Any player requested to participate from a team below, the coach of that team and the parents of that player must give permission.

Section 3 - Disciplinary Problems

3.1 Coaches may suspend any player for one (1) game for disciplinary problems. This suspension must be reported to the Travel Team Director or TravelRec Coordinator

3.2 If the problems continue with the same child, the coach must contact the Executive Committee for their approval on complete suspension from the team.


1. All teams under the jurisdiction of the WSC  shall play under the rules of the game approved by the FIFA, United States Soccer Football Federation, the CJSA, and local rules.

2. Rosters will be no more than (18) players.

3. The rosters shall be as equal as possible and shall be chosen as follows: Each year before the Fall season, all players names will be placed into a pool and a drawing will be held to organize teams according to the ages and abilities of the players, where possible using the advice of the previous years coach. This procedure will be run and organized by the Boys and Girls Directors. In the fall newly registered players will be placed on teams again drawing from a pool, first filling the teams that lost the most players, but being sure the strength remains as balanced as possible. It is of the highest priority to balance teams and the directors shall have the option and the obligation at their sole discretion to change or add players during the season and most certainly prior to the fall season.

4. In order to promote balanced teams and avoid unfair advantage, all players will be rated based on a system approved by the Executive Committee. Furthermore, if a team is determined by the Executive Committee to be excessively strong or weak at the end of the spring season, that team coach shall work with the Executive Committee and the registration chairperson in order that the team is balanced in relation division competition in the fall. In the event the coach cannot resolve a balanced team the Executive Committee shall take appropriate action to balance that team with addition or transfer of players.

5. Once the season has started, teams cannot meet more than three (3) times a calendar week (this includes games). Practices prior to the opening of the season will be left to the discretion of the coaches.

6. No team will be required to play more than two games per week without the coaches consent.

7. Brothers or sisters in the same respective age group within a division shall play on the same team, unless otherwise requested by a guardian.

8. Youths under 18 years of age must provide a signed permission slip from their parent or guardian, as well as a proof of age. 18 and 19 year Olds may register themselves. Youths with possible medical complications must additionally provide physical slips signed by a doctor.

9. The age of all WSC players must be registered with the CJSA on the form adopted by the Association: this registration is also binding for the WSC as are the registration rules of the United States Soccer Federation. Proof of age shall consist of birth certificate, baptismal papers, passports, alien registration cards or drivers license.

10. The Registration fee covers the calendar year. The fee is to be established by the Executive Committee of the WSC . A registration expires at the end of each season.

11. Any player resigning from a team during the playing season can only be reinstated by the Executive Committee, in conjunction with the coach involved.

12. Shin guards shall be worn by all players at practices and games. Rubber cleated shoes are recommended. Sneakers are acceptable. Street clothes are not recommended except during inclement weather and players are encouraged to wear shirts and shorts on the field. Use of FIFA approved eye wear is allowed.

13. A player may be suspended from one game for disciplinary problems. This suspension must be reported to the Boys or Girls Director. Should a problem continue with the same player, the coach must contact the Executive Committee for their approval on complete suspension from the team.

14. Any player who does not satisfy their financial obligation to the league for the Season they are registered in will no longer be eligible to play in the following season(s) until the obligation is met. Special arrangements can be made with the E Board but must be fulfilled by Season end.


1. League games shall consist of four (4) 12 minute quarters for 7-8 year olds; four (4) 15 minute quarters for 9-10 year olds; two (2) 35 minute halves for 11-14 year olds; and two (2) 45 minute halves for 15-18 year olds. In the event the age groupings are changed due to the number of registrations received in any given season, the half times for the greater component shall be used (i.e., 7-12 year olds would play two (2) 35 minute halves). A break at the half will be no less than 5 minutes no more than 10 minutes.

2. 7-8 year olds shall have free substitutions. 9 year olds and up shall have unlimited substitutions, but they shall be made only at kick-offs, goal kicks, and their own team’s throw-ins.

3. All players must play at least half the game. Repeated violation of this rule, after a warning, will result in removal of the coach from the league by the Executive Committee.

4. Field length should be shorter for the younger division.

5 Only recognized WSC referees can officiate a league game. If the referee is not at a league game within 15 minutes of the scheduled starting time, the two opposing must both agree to make a substitution. The referee substitute should be one or both of the coaches.

6. Games cannot be played with less than four from the maximum players on each team (example; 11 players - 7, 10 = 6, 9 and less = 5). Teams will be allowed 15 minutes past game time to field the minimum number of players (or to wait for the remainder of the team if they have the minimum): if they are unable to do so, the game will be declared a forfeited game by the referee. The score of a forfeited game is 1-0. If coaches are absent at the start of a game, a responsible adult must start the game.

7. At the game time, the decision to call a game because of bad weather or poor field conditions will be made by the referee. Once the game has started, the decision to cancel will also be made by the referee.

8. In order for a game to be legal, the first half must be played in full and the second half started. This rule does not apply when a game cannot be completed because of bad weather or poor field conditions).

9. No postponement of games shall be allowed except for valid reasons; coaches are to notify the Boys or girls Director at least 24 hours before game time.

10. Coaching from the end lines is not allowed during the game. Teams and Coaches should be on one side of the field with Parents and spectators on the side opposite the Team.

11. The official referee shall be the sole judge on the field of play, and his/her decision shall be final. No protests based on referee decisions shall be allowed. Any complaints about any official referee shall be in writing to the Boys or Girls Directors with copy to the President.

12. All other playing rules not covered by these By-laws will be the same as the State League rules.

13. A game cannot be prevented from being played or protested on the grounds that the referee is related to one of the players or coaches of either team.

14. A member of the Executive committee including Ex-Officio positions have the authority to eject any person from the field of play or a reasonable distance from the game for conduct which is detrimental to the game. If, following appropriate warning, the subject person does not leave the area, the above authorized individuals shall instruct the referee and coaches to immediately cease play.


Section 1 - Definitions

1.1 Town Development Teams are organized for the encouragement of participation in the sport of soccer, development of the age appropriate skills of the sport, provide opportunities to teach the rules of the game, and demonstrate the definition of sportsmanship.

1.2 Town Development Teams means an Intra-club team whose roster only includes players from teams which participate in the WSC In-house recreation program. No player may come from a Travel Team.

1.3 Town Development Teams may be formed for tournaments and friendly games only, approved by the Executive Committee and sanctioned by C.J.S.A. No Jamborees or unsanctioned competitive events will be permitted for Development Teams.

1.4 Development teams are formed from U-9 divisions or higher for Developmental purposes only and are not to be considered a Travel Team or TravelRec Team.

1.5 Each Development Team will hold a participation registration to form teams for the current calendar year, starting in the Fall and supplementing in the Spring. A player on a Development Team in the Fall Season will continue on that team through the Winter season unless dismissed for disciplinary reasons. Each team may elect to hold a supplement registration for its roster for the Spring season. All dates require the approval of the Executive Committee. There will be three separate registrations dates per season. Each player wanting to participate must attend two (2) of the scheduled dates.

1.6 Participation Registrations will be held only after each team of the In-House division from which it is being selected has completed two (2) full weeks of play in the fall season.

1.7 All In-House players will receive a Flyer/Newsletter informing them of the Development Teams participation dates.

Section 2 - Guidelines

2.1 Participation on Development teams is a privilege and not a right. If after a written protest is submitted and reviewed with WSC , or elects not to abide by them, it is within the rights of the E-Board to disband the team. Any approved team that has been disbanded during a playing must wait 2 season before requesting to be reinstated.

2.2 Development Teams may practice or meet a maximum of once a week during the playing season, with regular In-House team commitments having top priority. Saturdays are considered as from the previous week, Sunday as part of the next week. Development teams can meet a maximum of two times the week of a tournament. Upon completion of the WSC season the three (3) day rule will take effect.

2.3 Development Team players should play as close to 1/2 a game as possible, unless there is a disciplinary problem or if it is determined by the coach that there is a physical limitation to the players performance.

2.4 Player participation on development Teams shall be limited only by the availability of qualified coaches. Recommended Development Team rosters are for a maximum of 18 players and a minimum of 12.

Several factors must be given consideration in determining rosters:

1.) the purpose of Development teams is participation, cutting a player or players is not an option;

2.) eight (8) sided play;

3.) typical tournament limitations of 14 players;

4.) participation in 6v6 tournaments with two, evenly distributed rosters;

5.) development for eleven (11) sided play.

5. Participation numbers over 23 may require forming 2 (or more) teams. The E-Board will provide guidance and resources for the purpose of creating a fair or balanced distribution of playing talent among all teams participating within an age level..

2.5 Development teams will submit to the E-Board at the beginning of each Season (Fall & Spring) a letter detailing which tournaments they are requesting permission to attend. No Development team will play in more than 4 tournaments during the course of a yearly season, one of which is to include T.W.I.S.T. Development teams will not under any circumstances participate in any game or tournaments outside the State of Connecticut.

2.6 Development teams in the U-9 age division will end their Outdoor Season no later than Sept. 1st of the following year from the formation date. Development teams in the U-10 age division will end their Outdoor Season June 30th or upon completion by the league try-outs for the U-11 Travel team. The TWIST Tournament will be considered the first tournament for which the newly selected U-11 Travel Team will be eligible. They may enter as U-10 provided all new members have obtained their passes.

2.7 Development teams will NOT be funded by the WSC  All operation expenses will be generated by the members of the Development Team or Sponsor.

2.8 Development teams will have a separate line item account within the WSC All moneys collected on behalf of the Teams must be forwarded to the WSC Treasurer. All transactions must be approved by the E-Board in writing. No fees or other financial transactions will take place without moneys being issued by the WSC Treasurer.

2.9 The WSC Development Team Coordinator shall contact a team representative and the Coach monthly from March until October to review any concerns or all considerations the parents or coach may have in any aspects of the team operation. The Coordinators responsibility will be to see the issues resolved in accordance with the WSC by-laws. If a solution to the problem is not obtained, the Coordinator has the responsibility to request a review by the Executive Board.

2.10 All players are required to wear the approved Development team uniform. Parents are responsible for providing the funding for all Development Team expenses, such as Uniforms, Referees, and other related items.

2.11 Once the Development Team is officially formed and registered and before their first game, a parent meeting must and will be scheduled with the Development Team Coordinator and the Travel Team Director to review all the guidelines that are applicable to a Development Teams operation. All parents will be issued a copy of the Development team guidelines.

2.12 All requests and questions regarding Development Teams must be directed to the Development Team Coordinator first.

2.13 Development teams can form as Travel Teams only in the Fall and only if they qualify as U-11 and have approval of the Executive Board.



Wallingford Soccer Club
Wallingford, Connecticut 06492

Email: [email protected]

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